LV QA Criminalistics Final Mock Board BLEC 2020

Digital Review & Learning Institute
Final Coaching Book 2020
Board Licensure Examination for Criminologists (BLEC)
Subject Relative Weights – 20%


  1. Personal Identification – The subject covers the fundamental study of ancient and modern methods of personal identification with emphasis on Dactyloscopy, Orthodontology and Palmistry, which embraces the identification and comparison of fingerprint patterns and ridge characteristics; the scientific method of recognition, development and preservation of latent prints; and the recording and classifying of fingerprints that include the Henry System and the FBI Extension.
  2. Forensic Photography– The subject deals with the study on the history of photography, technical photography and forensic photography. Forensic Photography shall also cover the study of the Advance Photo System and its application in police work.
  3. Forensic Ballistics – The subject involves a scientific study of firearm identification with the use of laboratory examination. The subject gives emphasis on the study of ammunitions, projectiles, gunpowder, primer and explosives, including the use of the bullet comparison microscope.  It also deals with the principles in the microscopic and macroscopic examination of firearm evidences and the preparation of reports for legal proceedings in the solution of cases involving firearms.
  4. Questioned Documents Examination – The subject covers the scientific methods of identification and examination of questionable documents, handwriting examination, detection of forgery, falsification and counterfeiting of documents which stress the procedures of restoring and deciphering erasures and obliterations; examination of documents by means of visible light, ultra-violet and ultra-red radiation and colored powders; recognition and selection of standards; and examination of questionable typewriting, computerized documents and other forms of modern printing.
  5. Polygraphy (Lie Detection) – This subject deals with the study of lie detection and interrogation. It covers the methods and techniques of conducting polygraph examination and other conventional methods of detecting deception. The focus of the study is on the uses of the polygraph instrument and the standard procedures of polygraph examination including modern deception detection techniques.
  6. Forensic Medicine- This subject deals with the application of medical science in crime investigation with emphasis on human anatomy and physiology, the medico-legal aspects of physical injuries, death and crimes, abortion, infanticide, paternity and filiations, impotency, sterility and poisoning.

INSTRUCTION:    Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item.

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