LA VISIONARIO Online Review Courses

LA VISIONARIO Online Review Courses

Our online review programs are the most accessible and practical way intended to refresh and enhance the competencies and skills of any aspiring reviewees in preparation for the licensure examinations given by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC).

Study anytime and anywhere at your own convenience, whether on mobile, tablet, or desktop and choose from our online review programs for Certified Public Accountant Licensure Examination (CPALE), Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), Board Licensure Exam for Psychometricians Review Program (BLEP) & Board Licensure Exam for Criminologists Review Program (BLEC). The review programs focused on basic competencies and core concepts of respective courses patterned after the PRC Examination Syllabi and Table of Specifications for an optimum outcome in the board examination.


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