Digital Review & Learning Institute
Final Coaching Book 2020
Board Licensure Examination for Criminologists (BLEC)
Law Enforcement Administration (LEA)
Subject Relative Weights – 20%

  1. Police Organization and Administration with Police Planning – The course deals with the study of principles underlying the police organization and management of the police with particular focus on the Constitutional mandate, Republic Act 6975 and Republic Act 8551, together with previous laws and issuances relating thereto. It includes the organizational structure and administration of the Philippine National Police, both national and local levels.  Emphasis is given on direction, supervision, coordination and control of all local police forces as a homogenous body under a single command.  It includes the basic management functions insofar as these are applied to the police organization.
    Police Planning is integrated into this course, and it is designed to equip the students with knowledge on the development of effective plans, particularly on strategies and tactics for effective operations. The emphasis is on the special techniques and procedures applicable to unusual needs like unusual criminal activities, civil disturbances, special community events, disaster plans, and civil defense.
  1. Police Patrol Operations with Police Communication System – The course covers the organizational set-up of a patrol force, its functions and responsibilities, to include types of patrol, strategies, tactics and techniques; patrol supervision; and, its functional relationships with other police units. It includes study of the various systems of police communications like the telephone, radio, TV and teletype; techniques in transmission of messages thru the various media and its application to the requirements of police administration and operations; use of police call boxes and 2-way radio.  It also includes instruction on the use of modern electronic gadgets on the transmission of messages such as the use of signal lights and flares.
    Police Communication System is integrated to this course.  It includes the study of the various systems of police communications like the telephone, radio, TV and teletype; techniques in transmission of messages thru the various media and its application to the requirements of police administration and operations; use of police call boxes and 2-way radio.  It also includes instruction on the use of modern electronic gadgets on the transmission of messages such as the use of signal lights and flares.
  1. Police Intelligence – The course focuses on a comparative study of military and police intelligence functions and operations, types of police intelligence, phases of intelligence cycle; modus operandi (MO) and order of battle regulations (OBR) system for the identification of criminals and other threats to national security.
  2. Police Personnel and Records Management – The course includes the study of police personnel management functions from recruitment to retirement; application of NAPOLCOM and PNP rules and regulations; police records management; and preparation of police personnel reports.
  3. Comparative Police Systems – This study covers the comparison of selected police models and their relation with Interpol and UN bodies in the campaign against transnational crimes and in the promotion of world peace.
  4. Industrial Security Management – The study covers the organizational set-up, administration and operation of security agencies, special police and investigation agencies.

INSTRUCTION:    Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item.

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